Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My New Spirit to Loss my Weight

Yesterday, I just starting my new healthy life style. I'm starting to walk every morning around this area. I hope, for the next month, I already start to running. Next element need to control, my meal. I will only take healthy food and eat when needed. hehe... hopefully I can do it.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Want to loss my weight

On no, why I'm so lazy to go for exercise?... never mind, my first step is controlling my diet. The biggest loser is my inspiration, but  I know my level. My first step, diet control. I will Google up about it. Hope I can successful in my effort.

Manage Your Money Wisely

Manage Your Money Wisely
i love to write anything. Here is some of my writing. It doesn't mean my writing is good. I only want to share what is in my mind and from that, I also can test my writing and improve from your comment. Feel free to read it. have a nice day...

Monday, February 7, 2011

I want to loss my weight

Today, my journey so stressful. Sitting on the bus almost for six hour. Oh no, so stressful. While sitting on the bus waiting to reach the destiny, I take my time thinking about myself. What is in my mind? I'm thinking about my body, weight. I'm too heavy right know. My weight is about 96 kilogram. Oh no, I'm overweight. I need to do something. I need to take my life back. OK, never mind. Tonight, I can't do anything. Tomorrow, I want to start walking faster. I want to start my healthy diet. Hopefully I can start it... thinking about my future!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

There is a Rattan | Authspot

There is a Rattan | Authspot
Here is some of my writing that I send to triond. I suggest you to read it and if you want, you can leave some words in comment's Box. hope you enjoy it.

Hear and Listen

Hear and listen. What is your opinion about these two words? Are these two words are different? Looking this word for the first time may be we think these two words got the same meaning. For the reality, these two words have the differences meaning. Hear means you only get some sound to your ears. You know what the sound is. Listen is different. Listen is you hear something and you think about it. Your attentions analyze the meaning about the sound. When you listen, you will understand and feel the sound that you hear. Think about it.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hear and Listen. Different?

Hear and listen. What is your opinion about these two words? Are these two words are different? Looking this word for the first time may be we think these two words got the same meaning. For the reality, these two words have the differences meaning. Hear means you only get some sound to your ears. You know what the sound is. Listen is different. Listen is you hear something and you think about it. Your attentions analyze the meaning about the sound. When you listen, you will understand and feel the sound that you hear. Think about it.
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