Thursday, January 27, 2011

There is a Rattan | Authspot

There is a Rattan | Authspot
Here is some of my writing that I send to triond. I suggest you to read it and if you want, you can leave some words in comment's Box. hope you enjoy it.

Hear and Listen

Hear and listen. What is your opinion about these two words? Are these two words are different? Looking this word for the first time may be we think these two words got the same meaning. For the reality, these two words have the differences meaning. Hear means you only get some sound to your ears. You know what the sound is. Listen is different. Listen is you hear something and you think about it. Your attentions analyze the meaning about the sound. When you listen, you will understand and feel the sound that you hear. Think about it.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hear and Listen. Different?

Hear and listen. What is your opinion about these two words? Are these two words are different? Looking this word for the first time may be we think these two words got the same meaning. For the reality, these two words have the differences meaning. Hear means you only get some sound to your ears. You know what the sound is. Listen is different. Listen is you hear something and you think about it. Your attentions analyze the meaning about the sound. When you listen, you will understand and feel the sound that you hear. Think about it.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Wants to become an Effective teacher. ADDIE? part 1

Become a teacher is not an easy thing. Everybody can be a teacher but not all got the ability to be an effective teacher. Everyday teacher need to think what they want to teach and how to teach for the class. Here I share with you one way to be an effective teacher. Addie is one of my friend’s names. ADDIE is also acronym for something you can use as your guide to be an effective teacher.

That is meaning for every single word of ADDIE. Before enter the class, the first think we need to do is A which is analyze. What we need to analyze? There are three things we need to analyze which is the student, ourselves as teacher, and surrounding. For the students, we need to know their learning style. Student got varies learning style. There are three main learning styles we can look from the student. I represent it with acronyms V.A.K. V is for visual. A is for auditory. K is for kinesthetic.

Some of students learning by looking at the something. When teacher write something on the board, they quickly understand it. Not all students like that. Some student need to hear the voice explain about something. That is mean the student got auditory learning style. Some student didn’t understand only by looking at the power point displayed and listen to the explanation. They need to try it by themselves. They need to move their hand and body to understand the lesson. This student got kinesthetic learning style. As a teacher, we need to accept our student is varies. Not only analyze their learning style, we also need to analyze their attitude, already knowledge, intelligence, and their culture or lifestyle. Only that I can share with you in this writing. See you in the next part for another acronym.

KFC or McDonald’s? Pizza Hut’s? Which one?

Every year this time will coming. Every year also I will be feeling pain on my head. Headache!! Oh no. this year also is same. Celebrate my birthday party. Only two of us. Me and my friend. Always in trouble to choose the place. We will walk around the town finding place to celebrate this moment. “I think we should going to KFC. Eat the bigger one fried chicken,” she said. “Why not we going to McDonald’s. I think we should try the new meal. I want to eat ‘Big Mac’ lunch time meal,” I give my opinion. When we walk around, we stop at this door. Pizza Hut’s. Last year we already going to KFC. Why not today we going to Pizza Hut’s. One step to enter the door. We were smiling each other. Deal!! We enter Pizza Hut’s together. After spending almost about one and a half hour, we are happy because can eat together. Pizza is also delicious + spaghetti with some meat ball. Going back home is not easy. Pass by the McDonald’s and KFC make me feel so sorry. Thinking about feeling, my feet drive me to enter both restaurants. Buy Big Mac burger for me and Big Fried chicken for her. Win-win situation. Today, I feel happy because my headache was not coming. What is for the next year??
*wrote by me on 12 January 2011.

Verbal and Non-Verbal

For my first time blogging, I want to share with you all about my study. I always confused the meaning of verbal and the non-verbal word. When referred to the verbal word, there are some people imagined this verbal communication refers to a conversation while non-verbal communication is the opposite of that, doesn't use speech. In other languages are spoken and not spoken. However, this assumption is wrong because the true meaning of verbal communication is communication that involves the word, while non-verbal communication is not using the word. Verbal communication includes conversation and writing. An example would be like giving a speech. Speech becomes verbal communication because we using the words of the particular language. The same thing happens with writing. Writing is done by using the words with selected language. Non-verbal communication will be as signal and image. When we look at the red color on traffic light, we will stop the vehicle as soon as possible because we understand the meaning of the color red is stop. Similarly, the images shown. We will act in accordance with our understanding that does not involve any word in the image. That's all for today. Hopefully I can see you in my next post.


I have long intended to create a blog. Often the effort is futile because of bustle. Now, the desire to become a blog author can be reached. This blog will be a platform for me to state the things that my mind played over the years. Not just focus on something, I'll write whatever comes on my mind. These things may be about what ever experienced daily observed situation, and something always playing on my mind. Hopefully the writing on this page can give benefit to us.
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